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BLOG POST 07 -- Script, storyboard, Shot List


Our FILM is called <Daisy>, which is the main character's name, but also symbolizes innocence and purity. Which juxtaposed with the real character of Daisy, contrasting her evil deeds and inner personality.


Initial idea

initially, after me and my teammate decided on the genre of our opening-- crime thriller, we started to think about the plat of the story. At the beginning, we wanted to established a character that has mental disorder and live in the shadow of her childhood nightmare -- she has been raped by her stepfather. What we want to portray at that time is a victim character, rejecting connection with the external world and resist physical contact with anybody. She trap herself inside her comfort zone, because she doesn't trust anybody except her self and has severe post-traumatic stress disorder.

the plan of the 2 minutes opening based on our initial storyline
  1. Nightmare: the scene of she being raped appears again in her dream. (montage)

  2. Daisy suddenly wakes up from the nightmare, breathing hard with tear falling from her eyes.

  3. She wrap herself with many layers of cloths; with sunglasses, mask and hat on, ready to go to the supermarket to buy stuff.

  4. Inside the supermarket, a little girl unconsciously runs in to her. Daisy gets anxious and suddenly sees the Teddy bear that the little girls was holding in her hand.

  5. A similar Teddy bear was beside Daisy when she got raped, and it is the only thing she can see aside from her stepfather's huge strong body. The teddy beard that the girl was holding make her remember that experience again.

  6. She runs away, feels dizzy, and crying hardly.

However, me and Noor were dissatisfied with this character that we built at the beginning, we wanted to create someone with more depth and somehow more complex. In addition to this, the current protagonist gives us difficulties to think about the afterwards plot of the whole film. Therefore, to be able to make the plot flow and has the potential to develop further in to a whole story, we have to change the story line and character slightly. The idea of "To look like a innocent flower, but be the serpent under it." inspired me and an idea comes out of my mind -- Why shouldn't we create someone live in a double life? Therefore, the new version of Daisy formed.

The background story:

Daisy lost her dad in a young age, there is a lack of father figure in her childhood and this makes her desperate for love from male. Therefore, Daisy especially found those middle-aged man attractive. When her mom found found a new boyfriend, and treated Daisy just like her own daughter, Daisy felt hard to distinguish between what is love from "father" and relationship love. This man's appearance makes her experience unprecedented type of love which brings the numerous amount of joy, she is addicted to this feeling and cannot extricate herself from the immersion and those fantasy towards this man. Daisy adamant that mom's boyfriend had a crazy crush on her therefore decide to seduce him when mom is absence. However, this man refuses Daisy and provoked her, then leading to a irreversible tragedy -- Daisy kills mom's boyfriend.

Suddenly, mom comes in and asked: WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?

And From the moment Daisy answered: "Mom, he's trynna rape me. " Her life of lies begin.

This is the background story happened a year before the narrative of our opening. In order to evoke audience sympathy towards Diasy, we decide to turn the timeline of our story around by present the future after the murder first. then, uses bundch of flash backs and interleaves to gradually unraval the truth. By using enigma codes, we can intrigue audience attention and makes them willing to continue watching.

Daisy is a new student of that school, there is a rumours around saying she wass being raped and now audiences shares the same state with the students in the school, they don’t know what is the truth. Fourtunately Daise has met someone who is willing to make frineds with her — Chris, also portaying to be the minority group that will be reveal later on the film. In her Chris’s home, the questionmark of Daisy’s real personality built by the shots showing flashbacks and a montage of the pass…

Script of our 2-minute opening-- <DAISY>

What's gonna happen next?

The rest of the film will be about explaining to the audience of what actually happened before moving to this new school, how Daisy was always attracted to her mother’s boyfriends or other children’s father and how she seduced them, how for some she succeeded and wants other people to find out so she can blame it on the father to show this grotesque aspect to society and mainly, one time she killed her mother’s boyfriend because he refused and she lost her temper. After this we are drawn back to the present, she attempts to seduce Chris, her friend’s father. In the end Daisy is exposed my Richard and her mother and she sends Daisy to an asylum. Daisy shouts and screams that she didn’t do anything and that it is all her mom, she shouts horrible words at her mom on the other side of the safe room. The mother stares at Daisy with eyes welled up in tears and mouths “shut up” and she leaves. So the bottom truth is that the mother hates children and men. This is shown through out the film when the mother clearly indicates Daisy to help out the fathers of Daisy’s classmates and her having a problem with hugging or being in contact with children. She also buys grown up films and magazines for Daisy. She also tells Daisy that men are horrible creatures, children as well and she cannot wait for Daisy to grow up, however that being a teenager is good because she can revenge and punish men.




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